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We are building the smartest vertical city, featuring cutting-edge real estate

Our mission: Build safer, faster and better. Spark a new era of living, working,
and being. Redefine city life and transform the future of real estate.

We invite startups to work with us.
Contact us, integrate, and join our mission, starting tomorrow.

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Technology is transforming the way buildings are planed. The individuals and
companies involved in the process will collaborate in a synergic building process.

We're using the BMI method to consolidate data provided by all stake holders
during The Vertical's planning and design phases. Real-tine data will be used to
create and maintain The Vertical's digital twin throughout the planning and
design, construction, and operational phases.

Working on a cutting-edge service or technology that takes planning, design, and
collaboration to the next level? We want to know!

Join us now


New approaches to construction are revolutionizing the building
industry. Building processes are becoming faster, safer, cheaper,
more sustainable, and more efficient.

We are looking for technologies in all ConTech segments, including
management and monitoring, risk and safety, robotics, and
prefabricated construction.

Have you developed a construction approach or technology we've
never heard of? Tell us today!

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Smart sensors and IoT have set a new standard for
home and work connectivity. Sensor infrastructure is
embedded in buildings, streets, and cities to create
more efficient, safer experiences for everyone.

The Vertical will be outfitted with a comprehensive Iot
and sensor system, registering millions of data points
every minute. The city's sensors will detect and
monitor energy consumption, room lighting,
temperature, occupancy and more. This data will be
handed over to The Vertical's Management and
Maintenance systems.

Developing a revolutionary smart technology?
Contact us today!

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Buildings are becoming more self-sufficient, with reduced
operating costs and a lower carbon footprint to meet the major
challenge of sustainability.

The data points collected by The Vertical's IoT and sensor system
will be harnessed by a cloud-based control AI platform to
perform information integration, optimization, and data
analysis. Machine learning will be utilized to manage, maintain,
and improve the city's living and working environments and
optimize ecological performance.

Working on innovations in the fields of management,
maintenance, or optimization? We want to hear from you!

Join us now


Today's clients expect a fast, seamless experience from start to finish. Our
smart app will make it easy to reserve and access amenities throughout the
Vertical via phones, wearables, and other devices.

People at The Vertical will be able to digitally book services, search for
businesses and goods, coordinate deliveries, and more. Thankfully, there's a
new generation of REaaS tools available to make it easier than ever to reserve,
access, and configure. Instanly. From anywhere.

Developing a technology that revolutionizes the experiance of city living?
Contact us today!

Join us now


Sustainable communities are places that people enjoy inhabiting,
neighborhoods with real character and a sense of place; this is The

We aim to have well-designed green spaces to create a true feeling of an
ecological park. City residents will look outside their windows, step out
their front doors, and be surrounded by nature. They will receive all the
health and relaxation benefits that come from spending time outdoors.

Working on incorporating nature into buildings? Creating new green
livable spaces? We want to hear about it. Get in touch!

Join us now


The buildings we construct and the energy they consume have a direct
impact on the environment. The Vertical will be a clean, green city, taking
care of its occupants and the surroundings for generation to come.

The Vertical will feature a state-of-the-art Energy Management System
(EMS). The EMS will monitor and optimize the building's energy use in real
time, making adjustments as needed to minimize the carbon footprint.
In addition, the EMS will be integrated with the Building Automation System
(BAS) to provide occupants with complete control over their environment.

Developing a next-generation technology for energy management,
renewable energy, or sustainability? Partner with us!

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Mobility technologies are reshaping the way people are
transported, and innovations in logistics are improving the
storage and delivery of goods. We now have new modes of
conveyance that are faster and more convenient than ever

Micro mobility solutions, the rise of robotics and smart elevators
make it easy to get from point A to point B. These
technologies are already making it possible to transport people
and goods within buildings more efficiently, and they hold great
promise for future improvements in inter-building transport.

Developing a futuristic means of conveying people or storing
and delivering goods? We want to know. Contact us today!

Join us now


In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to take care of our
mind and bodies. That's why The Vertical will offer a wide variety of options
for staying healthy and happy.

From gyms and yoga studios to community gardens and parks, there will
be wellness options for everyone. And thanks to city's amazing user
experience, occupants will easily find the perfect activity to suit their needs.

Developing an innovative fitness, wellness, or community technology? We
want you on board!

Join us now

We invite startups to work with us

Contact us, integrate, and join our mission, starting tomorrow.

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Using BIM method, we include data collected during the planning and design phases. The digital twin extends data capturing throughout the asset's construction and operational phases, as well as future planning and design.

Pellentesque at fermentum risus. Sed lacus purus, scelerisque eget leo in, varius facilisis felis. Etiam et finibus est. In molestie lectus diam, vehicula consequat risus congue sit amet. Nullam tristique vitae sapien eget rutrum. Vestibulum in nisi sed nibh mollis sodales eget ut dui. Duis quis convallis leo. Vivamus vel massa ante. Donec gravida congue varius. Donec quis orci vel nulla gravida posuere. Vestibulum maximus dolor in tortor ullamcorper, sed faucibus leo dictum.

Sed ullamcorper arcu ut enim feugiat malesuada. Mauris sagittis gravida eros et cursus. Nullam placerat est id massa euismod, in faucibus metus accumsan. Vestibulum sem ex, ornare ut lorem ut, pulvinar convallis dui. Mauris vel efficitur est. Maecenas dictum nisi sit amet risus porttitor, vel scelerisque leo fringilla. Sed vehicula vel felis eget blandit. Aenean vestibulum vel erat quis bibendum. Mauris nec ligula porttitor, lacinia enim nec, molestie enim.

Pellentesque at fermentum risus. Sed lacus purus, scelerisque eget leo in, varius facilisis felis. Etiam et finibus est. In molestie lectus diam, vehicula consequat risus congue sit amet. Nullam tristique vitae sapien eget rutrum. Vestibulum in nisi sed nibh mollis sodales eget ut dui. Duis quis convallis leo. Vivamus vel massa ante. Donec gravida congue varius. Donec quis orci vel nulla gravida posuere. Vestibulum maximus dolor in tortor ullamcorper, sed faucibus leo dictum.

Sed ullamcorper arcu ut enim feugiat malesuada. Mauris sagittis gravida eros et cursus. Nullam placerat est id massa euismod, in faucibus metus accumsan. Vestibulum sem ex, ornare ut lorem ut, pulvinar convallis dui. Mauris vel efficitur est. Maecenas dictum nisi sit amet risus porttitor, vel scelerisque leo fringilla. Sed vehicula vel felis eget blandit. Aenean vestibulum vel erat quis bibendum. Mauris nec ligula porttitor, lacinia enim nec, molestie enim.

Sed sed consequat purus. Curabitur massa lacus, lacinia id consequat quis, tempor a velit. Aenean suscipit blandit hendrerit. Suspendisse iaculis pellentesque tincidunt. Integer eget sodales libero, a interdum lectus. Sed ullamcorper metus nec nibh ullamcorper.

Pellentesque at fermentum risus. Sed lacus purus, scelerisque eget leo in, varius facilisis felis. Etiam et finibus est. In molestie lectus diam, vehicula consequat risus congue sit amet. Nullam tristique vitae sapien eget rutrum. Vestibulum in nisi sed nibh mollis sodales eget ut dui. Duis quis convallis leo. Vivamus vel massa ante. Donec gravida congue varius. Donec quis orci vel nulla gravida posuere. Vestibulum maximus dolor in tortor ullamcorper, sed faucibus leo dictum.

Sed ullamcorper arcu ut enim feugiat malesuada. Mauris sagittis gravida eros et cursus. Nullam placerat est id massa euismod, in faucibus metus accumsan. Vestibulum sem ex, ornare ut lorem ut, pulvinar convallis dui. Mauris vel efficitur est. Maecenas dictum nisi sit amet risus porttitor, vel scelerisque leo fringilla. Sed vehicula vel felis eget blandit. Aenean vestibulum vel erat quis bibendum. Mauris nec ligula porttitor, lacinia enim nec, molestie enim.

We invite startups to work with us

Contact us, integrate, and join our mission, starting tomorrow.

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